I SWEAR BY THE BENEFITS THAT CHERRIES HAVE ON MY SLEEP! Strange I know, but cherries are a natural source of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the sleep cycle.
Study shows that adults who consume two servings of tart cherry juice each day for seven days slept about 40 minutes longer on average and had up to a 6 percent increase in sleep efficiency.
Cherries are a source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These slow down aging and ward off chronic illnesses, Including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and obesity
They protect against diabetes. They rank lower than many fruits on the glycaemic index which means they don’t trigger spikes and crashes in your blood sugar and insulin levels. Therefore, they’re great to protect against diabetes and are also important for maintaining diabetes if you already have it.
They help reduce post-exercise pain. Try eating cherries post-workout to help with muscle soreness and muscle recovery. For this reason cherry juice is popular amongst professional and competitive athletes but can help with anyone who is active.
Try introducing a serving of cherries in to your evening routine & reap the benefits Make the most of them whilst they’re still in season!